Keeping Calm during Covid-19

Anita Anand
2 min readMar 28, 2020

In the times of the pandemic Covid-19, its hard to be calm.

We are afraid of getting sick, not recovering and possibly dying. Afraid that others close to us -family and friends- also getting the virus. There is plenty to fear, but calm is the order of the day. A state of fear depletes our immune system, which we need to be at full capacity in these times.

Since the lock down in India of six days ago, I have followed a ritual which helps me to be calm. I’d like to share it with you.

  1. Before getting out of bed, deep breathing and affirmations of well being and gratitude.
  2. Spending about 20 minutes in the open on my terrace, tending to the plants and admiring the flowers, watching the bees and the tomatoes on the vines turn colour.
On my terrace

3. During the day, giving thanks and focusing on every activity — eating, drinking, bathing, writing, watching TV, cooking, cleaning.

4. Calling a couple of single friends to see how they are doing.

5. Messaging some neighbours to check on them.

Oranges and Lemon. Watercolour and Ink on Paper.

6. Following social distancing instructions.

7. Doing some form of art every day.

8. Writing in my Covid-19 journal everyday.

9. Eating light and consuming less.

10. One drink every evening.

11. Not watching TV news or staying updated on the virus reports frequently.

12. Reading reports from tested and trusted sources on the virus.

13. Helping others keep calm.



Anita Anand

I am a psychotherapist. I read, write, paint, take photographs, bake and cook and enjoy thinking and good conversation.